Find the right domain

  • Monday, 13th April, 2020
  • 09:22am

Find the right domain - Right now!

Discover the very latest top level domains (TLD's) right here! You can register the freshest TLD's in the world and be backed by our 24/7 customer support every step of the way.

How do I know what TLD is right for my business or project?

The variety of TLD's available means that there's something for everything under this sun. The search engines view all TLD's as equal and there is no special consideration given for sites with a .com suffix versus the new ones. However, you will want to think about your customer base and wether or not they'll be familiar with newer domain extensions.

How to choose the right TLD?

1. .com isn't everything. Generic (gTLD's) and country-code (ccTLD's) top level domains can also contribute to a success website.
2. Consider whether a TLD is relevant to your particular field. For example, go with a TLD that relates to your business, such as .film for movie production company.
3. Consider new gTLD's to create a unique and memorable domain name.
4. Think about your target market, if you are selling a product that will only be sold in Mexico, for example, it's better choice to go with the local ccTLD. In this case .mx. This may affect local search engine results.
5. Factor SEO into your decision making. Be sure to avoid tell-tale spam TLD's which could result in your website ranking lower in search engines.


Don't be afraid to consider domain extensions beyond .com

There was a time when TLD's were limited to the classic extensions. It took a long time for the TLD market to open up. At one point, for example, it wasn't the norm for big businesses and small businesses to even own a domain. However, once the World Wide Web became more established, the emphasis went into choosing a domain name. Now, the second-level domain name is the easy part. There's a staggering number of TLD registrars to choose from aside from most people's go-to .com.

Contrary to popular sentiment, the internet doesn't end at .com. Just as the web grew and became part of people's lives, the new TLD's will become more common and accepted, especially bu users who have grown up with the web.

Factor in SEO

Worrying about SEO might a bit premature at this point, but it's never too early to think about where you'll appear in search results. When browsing for a domain, it's important to understand the value of choosing a top level domain while keeping SEO in mind. Considering SEO from the early stages of creating your domain name is the best way to make sure you'll rank well later on.

There is a common misconception that .com has the best chance of topping search engine rankings. The fact is, every TLD can rank in the top positions if SEO practices are adopted. .com is the most popular extension and that's why it's frequently ranked in top positions.

Using a new TLD will not affect your ranking in search engines. It's worth noting that in the eyes of Google and other search engines, all TLD's are equal. New gTLD's and ccTLD's won't carry any inherent SEO value, but neither will they be seen as inferior to .com.

It's generally accepted that if your website has quality content and web design with one of these TLD's, nothing is stopping it from doing well. Just like with any domain, it may take it a while to get there.

Watch out for Spam

While some new gTLD's can help you stay competitive in search engines and increase your brand reputation, others will look spammy and have an adverse effect. Some of the options for domain extensions are seen by search engines as a spam factor, and they won't rank them well.

Before you settle on a domain to register, take a moment to check if the TLD you're going for is appearing on email block lists. If there's anything to suggest the TLD is viewed with contempt online, that could be a bad sign. We recommend avoiding such a TLD because it will make your website look like it could be spam, which isn't a good thing.

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