Google's "Mobilegeddon" SEO algorithm

  • Friday, 22nd May, 2015
  • 12:27pm
Responsive Web DesignUpgrade to RESPONSIVE to comply with Google's "Mobilegeddon" SEO algorithm update!

It's not too late to make your website responsive to comply with Google's recent "Mobilegeddon" update which sees the importance of your website being mobile friendly (responsive) as a factor in their ranking algorithm. In other words if your website isn't currently mobile friendly it could be having a negative impact on the ranking of your website in the search engines. This update to Google's algorithm is going to be due to the ever increasing Internet traffic coming from mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. If your website is not providing a good user experience for visitors using mobile devices Google will be less likely to rank you higher in mobile search and potentially all search platforms in general.

"Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results." - Google
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