Google enables site isolation in chrome

  • Wednesday, 18th July, 2018
  • 08:58am

Google enables site isolation in chrome.

Google recently enabled a new security feature in Chrome to secure the users from malicious attacks like Spectre. Called Site Isolation, the new feature is available with Chrome 67 on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS.

The multi-process architecture of Chrome allows different tabs to use different renderer processes. What Site Isolation does is limiting each renderer process to documents from a single site. It makes Chrome rely on operating system, resulting in mitigating attack between processes, and sites.

“In Chrome 67, Site Isolation has been enabled for 99% of users on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome OS,” explained Google. “Even if a Spectre attack were to occur in a malicious web page, data from other websites would generally not be loaded into the same process, and so there would be much less data available to the attacker. This significantly reduces the threat posed by Spectre.”

Google said that there are additional known issues in Chrome for Android, and the company is working on it. The Site Isolation for Chrome for Android is expected to be experimentally available with Chrome 68.

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